This is the kit for you who want to test our most popular fragrances. These are three of our absolute best sellers! Customers love them and so do we.
Irresistible Enigma (8ml)-
Are you looking for the perfect sweet and floral everyday perfume with a warm base? Then Irresistible Enigma is for you. This fragrance offers a lively warmth and is intense yet subtle.
If you like the incredibly popular Prada Paradoxe fragrance, we think you'll like this one too.
Carashmellow (8ml)-
Carashmellow is a milky and musky gourmand vanilla that will make people around you want to eat you!! With notes of caramel, vanilla and milk, it smells just like the name says: a caramel marshmellow - a Carashmellow! If you are a true vanilla lover or gourmand girlie who also likes Bianco Latte from Giardini Di Toscana, you will love this fragrance.
Belle Femme (8ml) -
Belle Femme is the fragrance for those looking for sophisticated sweetness. The fragrance opens with notes of juicy peaches and freesia flowers! After the fruity and floral, the cocoa base gives the fragrance its character. Belle Femme is a fragrance that we think you will like if you also like Hugo Boss The scent for her.